Welcome to the Computer Programming Laboratory
Here is the list of experiments
- Familiarization with computer hardware and programming environment
- Develop a program to solve simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions
- Develop a program to compute the roots of a quadratic equation
- Develop a program to find the reverse of a positive integer and check for palindrome
- Develop a program to read the name of the user, number of units consumed and print out the charges
- Introduce 1D Array manipulation and implement Binary search
- Implement using functions to check whether the given number is prime
- Develop a program to introduce 2D Array manipulation and implement Matrix multiplication
- Write a program that implements the Taylor series approximation
- Write functions to implement string operations such as compare, concatenate, string length
- Implementation of Bubble Sorting Technique
- Develop a program to find the square root of a given number N and execute for all possible inputs
- Implement array of structures to read, write, compute average marks for a class of N students
- Develop a program using pointers to compute the sum, mean and standard deviation of all elements
- Implement Recursive functions for Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Program to read from name.txt and usn.txt and write the contents of both the files onto output.txt