

It was during the Third Semester Lab Externals when we realized that recalling all the experiments we conducted during the regular lab sessions was the most challenging task and also the main reason behind us not being able to score good marks.This led us to the idea of having a portal where one can find anything and everything related to all the lab experiments.


We provide Theory, Explanation Videos, and Viva questions for all the lab subjects of all semesters of the ISE Dept. This would help save time and hard work involved in searching the perfect Lab resources on the internet.


The sole purpose behind making this website is to help students out and spread knowledge all over the globe, cause 'Knowledge grows with Sharing'. Being said so, not only the study materials but also the SOURCE CODE of this Website is available for all to use, learn and contribute, thus promoting Open Source Software.

We are open to contributions of all types, be it related to Study materials or the Website itself.Head over to our Github Repository and get started.

Also, we would love hearing back from you. So, head over to our Feedback page and let us know your thoughts.